Based on a true story (The 1975 incident at Oglala, a documentary by Michael Apted), Thunderheart is the fictionalized story of the rise of the American Indian Movement. Murder on the Sioux Indian reservation has lead to an FBI investigation. Ray Levoi (Val Kilmer) is a "by the book" FBI field agent who happens to have Sioux Indian in his bloodline, but yet knows very little about his Sioux heritage. He is sent to the reservation to assist with the FBI investigation. Ray eventually concludes that the FBI may be hiding some information and are far more bent on intimidating the tribal Indians than conducting any investigation. Through a serious of mishaps, encounters, and conversations with tribal members, Ray finds himself in a state of revelation.
Filmed in the badlands of South Dakota, director Michael Apted takes us on a journey of intriguing mystery, American Indian heritage, self awareness and the awakening within.
This is certainly one of Val Kimer's finest roles along with a fine supporting cast, Sam Shepard as FBI agent Frank Coutell, and especially Graham Greene as Walter Crow Horse of the Tribal Police and that of Ted Thin Elk as the Sioux chief Grandpa Sam Reaches. Highly recommended.
Works Cited
Thunderheart. Dir. Michael Apted. Prod. John Fusco. Perf. Val Kilmer, Graham Greene, and Sam Shepard. TriStar Pictures, 1992.